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Advanced window management

Provides advanced features related to the game window positioning and interaction with the operating system.


Enable content protection
Enables or disables the content protection mode. This should prevent screenshots of the game from being taken.

Enable the window
Enables or disables the window.

Flash the window
Make the window flash or end flashing.

Change focus of the window
Make the window gain or lose focus.

Maximize the window
Maximize or unmaximize the window.

Minimize the window
Minimize or unminimize the window.

Make the window always on top
Puts the window constantly above all other windows.

Allow closing
Enables or disables closing of the window by the user.

Allow focusing
Allow or disallow the user to focus the window.

Allow full-screening
Enables or disables full-screening of the window by the user.

Enable window shadow
Enables or disables the window shadow.

Enable kiosk mode
Puts the window in kiosk mode. This prevents the user from exiting fullscreen.

Allow maximizing
Enables or disables maximizing of the window by the user.

Allow minimizing
Enables or disables minimizing of the window by the user.

Allow moving
Enables or disables moving of the window by the user.

Set window opacity
Changes the window opacity.

Allow resizing
Enables or disables resizing of the window by the user.

Set window position
Changes the window position.

Change visibility of the window
Make the window visible or invisible.


Shadow enabled
Checks if the window currently has it's shadow enabled.

Window always on top
Checks if the window is always on top.

Window closable
Checks if the window can be closed.

Window focused
Checks if the window is focused.

Window full-screenable
Checks if the window can be full-screened.

Kiosk mode
Checks if the window is currently in kiosk mode.

Window maximizable
Checks if the window can be maximized.

Window maximized
Checks if the window is maximized.

Window minimizable
Checks if the window can be minimized.

Window minimized
Checks if the window is minimized.

Window movable
Checks if the window can be moved.

Window resizable
Checks if the window can be resized.

Window visible
Checks if the window is visible.

Window enabled
Checks if the window is enabled.


Expression Description
AdvancedWindow::WindowOpacity() Returns the current window opacity (a number from 0 to 1, 1 being fully opaque).
AdvancedWindow::WindowX() Returns the current window X position.
AdvancedWindow::WindowY() Returns the current window Y position.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Advanced window management feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.