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Text object

An object that can be used to display any text on the screen: remaining life counter, some indicators, menu buttons, dialogues... Read more explanations about it.


Displays a text on the screen.

Object actions

Modify the angle of a Text object.

Change the color of the text. The color is white by default.

De/activate bold

Change the gradient of the text.

De/activate italic.

Change the outline of the text. A thickness of 0 disables the outline.

Set the number of pixels around a text object. If the shadow or the outline around the text are getting cropped, raise this value.

Text shadow
Change the shadow of the text.

Set the text alignment of a multiline text object (does not work with single line texts).

De/activate word wrapping. Note that word wrapping is a graphical option,
you can't get the number of lines displayed

Show Shadow
Show the shadow of the text.

Modify the text
Modify the text of a Text object.

Font size
Change the font size of a text object.

Wrapping width
Modify the word wrapping width of a Text object.

Object conditions

Compare the value of the angle of a Text object.

Check if the bold style is activated

Check if the italic style is activated

Test if the word wrapping style of an object is set.

Compare the number of pixels around a text object. If the shadow or the outline around the text are getting cropped, raise this value.

Compare the text
Compare the text of a Text object.

Font size
Compare the font size of a text object.

Compare the text alignment of a multiline text object.

Wrapping width
Test the word wrapping width of a Text object.

Object expressions

Expression Description
Object.Angle() Angle
Object.FontSize() Return the font size of a text object.
Object.Padding() Padding
Object.String() Text

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Text object feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.